Flames Mánia - Calgary Flames magyar rajongói oldal

Mess with the best - Burn like the rest...

Ha már humor, akkor egy sport-oldalon mi is lehetne a legfőbb forrás, mint a rivális csapatok, azaz nekünk legfőképpen az Oilers és a Canucks. Kezdésnek pár kép, aztán persze ide kerülnek majd a rájátszásra készített képek is. (Ezek jelentős része a calgarypuck.com rezidenes grafikusainak munkái. (AllTheRage, HalifaxDrunk, AC, és mások.)

Frissites: Canucks viccek

Q. What do you call 30 millionaires around a TV watching the Stanley Cup playoffs?

A. The Vancouver Canucks

Q. How do you keep the Vancouver Canucks out of your yard?

A. Put up a goal net.

Q. What do you call a Vancouver Canuck with a Stanley Cup ring?

A. A thief.

Q. How many Vancouver Canucks does it take to win a Stanley Cup?

A. Nobody knows and we may never find out.

Q: Why won't they give Kelowna a professional Hockey team?

A: Because then Vancouver will want one too.

A teacher is going around her young class and asking what everyone's dad does for a living. There are all the usual ones: Doctor, car salesman, etc.
Finally she gets to little Johnny who replies: "My dad is a stripper at a gay bar". Once the teacher setlles everything down, she changes the subject and moves on. At the end of class, she stops little Johnny and asks him if that is true about his dad. Johnny replies: "Nah, he plays for the Canucks but I was too embarrassed to say.``


Ralph Klein, Alberta volt Premierje:

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